Minecraft Modding: Tips For GL11 And Rendering


Like all 3D games, there is a need for "models" that describe the shape of the various things that should be displayed, and "renderers" that actually convert the shape into something visible.

Note that Minecraft uses Light-Weight Java Graphics Library (LWJGL) interface also called GL11, so inside rendering classes you can apply related operations and transformations to modify the rendering.

Historically, there are various types of models and rendering options available. In the most original format, the models were simply a collection of cubes that could be rotated and textured to create the classical Minecraft blocky look. However, since then the approach has changed to allow more complex model formats (like those used by computer graphics programs), as well as animations and state-based rendering.

I cover a few tips here, but it is a broad topic for which you may need to do further Googling.

How Models For Blocks And Items Load

Choonster has a good explanation in his github documentation.

The block model format approach has changed over the various versions of Minecraft and this causes a great amount of work when upgrading your mod, and it greatly complicated making animated models. An explanation of the evolution of the block model approach is described well by williewillus in his Rendering Primer.

Animating Blocks

Thanks to Choonster for this information.

Forge has an animation system for baked models in the net.minecraftforge.client.model.animation package, though there's not a lot of documentation on it.

RainWarrior briefly described the purpose of each class in the commit that introduced the system. They've also documented the grammar of the Animation State Machine files here.

Forge has a test mod for the system here.

Changing (Overriding) The 3D Model Of An Item Based On A Property

You may find a situation where you want an item to look different depending on some property that changes. For example, you could have a bottle that fills up, or a wearable computer (like a FitBit) that displays different information and so forth. 

Like all modding, when trying to do something you should first look at something similar in vanilla Minecraft. In this case, a ItemCompass is a good example of an item that changes how it looks based on a property (in this case the "angle").

The general approach is as follows:
  • Any class that extends Item has a public field called properties which is a registry that maps ResourceLocations (containing the name of the property) to an IItemPropertyGetter. Item class also provides:
    • applyPropertyOverride() method
    • getPropertyGetter() method
  • IItemPropertyGetter gives an apply() method.
  • In the item models resource directory, you put a main JSON named with the unlocalized name of the item and it can (as explained below) redirect to other JSON model files based on the property value.
Key Point: The property values are updated by the apply() method. They are not set directly, although you could have the apply method convert something like ItemStack NBT or other field values in your custom Item class to property values.

Step 1 - Define The Property Return Values

In your custom item class constructor, call the Item#applyPropertyOverride() method that maps the property name to a new IItemPropertyGetter with an inline declaration that implements the apply() method to return the valid set of property values. 

The apply() method takes in an ItemStack, World and EntityLivingBase parameter. In most cases you'll probably just look at the ItemStack's NBT data but for example the compass also checks to make sure the world is a surface world and also uses the entity (the entity passed in is the one holding the item stack) to calculate the angle.

For a simple example refer to ItemElytra which has a simple property for "broken" which is true or false. For a more complex example refer to the ItemCompass which has a large set of "angle" values.

Step 2 - Create The Master Model JSON File

Create a master model JSON file placed in the item model resources folder. This JSON should use the "item/generated"  parent and use the "overrides" tag to map the properties to other JSON files containing the actual models. For example, the compass.json file contains:

    "parent": "item/generated",
    "textures": {
        "layer0": "items/compass_16"
    "overrides": [
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.000000 }, "model": "item/compass" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.015625 }, "model": "item/compass_17" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.046875 }, "model": "item/compass_18" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.078125 }, "model": "item/compass_19" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.109375 }, "model": "item/compass_20" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.140625 }, "model": "item/compass_21" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.171875 }, "model": "item/compass_22" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.203125 }, "model": "item/compass_23" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.234375 }, "model": "item/compass_24" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.265625 }, "model": "item/compass_25" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.296875 }, "model": "item/compass_26" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.328125 }, "model": "item/compass_27" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.359375 }, "model": "item/compass_28" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.390625 }, "model": "item/compass_29" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.421875 }, "model": "item/compass_30" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.453125 }, "model": "item/compass_31" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.484375 }, "model": "item/compass_00" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.515625 }, "model": "item/compass_01" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.546875 }, "model": "item/compass_02" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.578125 }, "model": "item/compass_03" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.609375 }, "model": "item/compass_04" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.640625 }, "model": "item/compass_05" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.671875 }, "model": "item/compass_06" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.703125 }, "model": "item/compass_07" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.734375 }, "model": "item/compass_08" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.765625 }, "model": "item/compass_09" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.796875 }, "model": "item/compass_10" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.828125 }, "model": "item/compass_11" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.859375 }, "model": "item/compass_12" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.890625 }, "model": "item/compass_13" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.921875 }, "model": "item/compass_14" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.953125 }, "model": "item/compass_15" },
        { "predicate": { "angle": 0.984375 }, "model": "item/compass" }

As you can see, it is fairly straightforward -- for each possible property value it specifies an alternate model.

Step 3 - Create the Variant Model JSON Files

Create the model JSON files for all the variations pointed to by the master model JSON. In the example above you'd create the compass_17.json and such. These can be any regular type of item model.

Step 4 - Use The Property In Your Game

Change the property value in the game as needed. Basically the apply() method will be called automatically during rendering so you just need to make sure that the information necessary for the apply() method is passed in. 

For example, in ItemElytra the apply() method checks the damage of the ItemStack to determine whether the property should return as "broken".

ItemCompass the apply() method checks that the world is surface world and checks the entity direction to adjust the compass angle, including adding some "wobble" to the compass to make it more realistic.

Basically, the apply() method can take information from the passed in parameters (like NBT data on the ItemStack) but also access instance methods in your custom Item class as well as any other public methods. So you could change the item model based on configurations, entity capabilities, etc. Pretty much wide open! Have fun!

Good Tutorial On How Transparency And Blending Works

This tutorial gives a thorough explanation of GL11 and alpha blending.

Rendering Transparent Blocks

See a detailed explanation: TheGreyGhost's Transparent Block Tutorial

Model Texture Mapping For Entities

There is a good tutorial here: Schwarzeszeux's Modeling Tutorial

Using The Tesselator

The Tesselator class is meant to make working with OpenGL easier. It is very useful for dynamic models, such as a TileEntity that has moving visual parts. Check out TheGreyGhost's Tesselator Tutorial.

Creating Complex Animated Entity Models

Here is Jabelar's Complex Animated Models tutorial. It uses the classic built-in modeling system.

Scaling An Entity Model

In your entity model's render() function you can use GL11 methods to scale the model before rendering. However, since the model origin is at 1.5 blocks above the ground, if you just scale the feet of your model will go into the ground if you scale bigger and will float above the ground if you scale smaller. So you need to also use GL11 to translate the method.

Also, you need to create a GL11 matrix for this with the push() method, and need to make sure to pop() the matrix when done.

Putting it all together, the code should look something like this:

public void render(Entity parEntity, float par2, float par3, float par4, float par5, float par6, float par7)
    setRotationAngles(parEntity, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7, parEntity);

    // scale the whole thing for big or small entities
    GL11.glTranslatef(0F, 1.5F-1.5F*parEntity.getScaleFactor(), 0F); 
    GL11.glScalef(parEntity.getScaleFactor(), parEntity.getScaleFactor(), 


    // don't forget to pop the matrix for overall scaling

Changing The Camera Position

It is common for modders to want to change the "camera" position. In other words, show a view from the world from a different position and/or angle. For example, you could add a "roll" effect while doing a flying mod, or you could shake the camera for an earthquake.

In 1.8, they added a CameraUpdateEvent which can be used to change the position and angle of the camera. See Jabelar's Events Tutorial for more on how to use an event.

Finding Color Of A Pixel

In computer systems, color is often represented as "RGB" (Red-Green-Blue) which is the additive colors that can be used to combine to create all colors. In hexadecimal it is usually shown as an 8-digit number, with each two digits representing the amount of red, green and blue respectively. The higher the number the more of the color is present, and since the color is additive it also gets lighter. So black is 0x000000 (0x is the way Java indicates a number is in hexadecimal format), white is 0xFFFFFF, medium red is 0xCC0000, and a brown might be 0xCC6600. Check out this page of RGB colors to better understand.

Java has a class called BufferImage that is used within Minecraft. Buffered image has a method called getRGB() where you specify the x and y coordinates (starting in top-left) and it returns the RGB int value.

Minecraft already has certain images and textures in BufferedImage instances, but if you want to load a file into a BufferedImage you can use the javax.imageio.ImageIO.read() function where you pass the File parameter which can be PNG, JPG, etc. Check out my tutorial on file and resources for more information.

Warning: In Minecraft most texture information is only on the client side. If you want the server to react or control textures then you will need to use custom packets to communicate between client and server.

Render A Sphere

Thanks to jajo_11 for this tip.

GL11 of course has the ability to render spheres, it's just that Minecraft intentionally tries to be blocky and so doesn't tend to do so. To render a sphere you need to create a "call list" for the sphere, then in an appropriate render function use the GL11.glCallList() function to invoke it.

In this example, I'll create a sphere around a custom entity.  The sphere will be partially transparent, and if you enter the sphere you'll be able to see it from the inside as well (this is important point because extra work is required to make that happen).

Since in Minecraft rendering is client side only, it is good idea to make the sphere call lists in the client proxy.  

First we need to add two integer fields that will reference the id of the call list for the outside and inside of the sphere.  Something like this in your client proxy class:

* For rendering a sphere, need ids for call lists for outside and inside
public static int sphereIdOutside;
public static int sphereIdInside;

Then, in your method that handles the init FML life cycle, you should have something like this to generate the call lists:

Sphere sphere = new Sphere();
//Set up paramters that are common to both outside and inside.
//GLU_FILL as a solid. sphere.setDrawStyle(GLU.GLU_FILL); //GLU_SMOOTH will try to smoothly apply lighting sphere.setNormals(GLU.GLU_SMOOTH);

//First make the call list for the outside of the sphere
sphereIdOutside = GL11.glGenLists(1); //Create a new list to hold our sphere data. GL11.glNewList(sphereIdOutside, GL11.GL_COMPILE); //binds the texture ResourceLocation rL = new ResourceLocation(MagicBeans.MODID+":textures/entities/sphere.png"); Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(rL); //The drawing the sphere is automatically doing is getting added to our list. Careful, the last 2 variables //control the detail, but have a massive impact on performance. 32x32 is a good balance on my machine.s sphere.draw(0.5F, 32, 32); GL11.glEndList(); //Now make the call list for the inside of the sphere sphere.setOrientation(GLU.GLU_INSIDE); sphereIdInside = GL11.glGenLists(1); //Create a new list to hold our sphere data. GL11.glNewList(sphereIdInside, GL11.GL_COMPILE); Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(rL); sphere.draw(0.5F, 32, 32); GL11.glEndList();

Now, we'll be able to invoke these spheres during rendering.

The texture you reference with the ResourceLocation should generally be a solid square of color without any transparent portions, but you should try textures and patterns if you think it is better for your mod. I choose a purple color and just filled in a square then saved as PNG.  You need to make sure you put the texture asset in the same place referenced in the ResourceLocation.

For a custom entity you should have a custom Renderer class registered for the entity.  In that custom Renderer class, you can overrride the passSpecialRender() method which is intended for these extra rendering effects (it is automatically called for all entities).  So something like this:

protected void passSpecialRender(EntityLivingBase parEntity, double parX, double parY, double parZ)
    super.passSpecialRender(parEntity, parX, parY, parZ);
    GL11.glTranslated(parX, parY + parEntity.height / 2, parZ);
    GL11.glScalef(3.0F, 3.0F, 3.0F);
GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.5F); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST);
GL11.glCallList(ClientProxy.sphereIdInside); GL11.glPopMatrix();

To understand the code, it is best to read up on the G11 API.

The important methods to understand are the glScale(), which in this case we're making 3 times bigger than standard block.  You can change the values to get the size you want.

The glColor4f() is blending white (meaning no change in color) with alpha (transparency) of 0.5F. You can play with the alpha value to get the effect you want.

You can see we use glCallList() for both the outside and inside sphere.

Making A Healthbar Over Mob (Like Boss)

It is very easy to get health bar.  First, you should just have your mob implement tge IBossDisplayData interface (just put "implements IBossDisplayData" on your class declaration.

Secondly, in the custom Renderer class for your mob, in the PreRenderCallback() method you should put "BossStatus.setBossStatus(entity, true)" where you replace "entity" with the field that represents the entity parameter passed to the PreRenderCallback() method.

Ensuring Custom Entity Renders If Partially Out Of View

In computer graphics, it usually doesn't make sense to process things that are outside the field of view.  The space that represents a clipped pyramid of view is called the "frustum".  The process of deciding whether something is inside the frustum (and should be rendered) is called frustum culling.

In Minecraft, whether and entity is considered inside the frustum is based on the bounding box of the entity (in the isBoundingBoxInFrustum() method in the Frustum class).  This causes a problem with large entities or unusual custom entities though because the model of an entity might extend well beyond the bounding box -- imagine a tail of a dinosaur that has the collision box just on its body.  This causes a visual problem because if the entity goes to the edge of the view it will seem to suddenly disappear when the bounding box goes off screen even if other parts of the model could still be rendered on screen.

Therefore, entities have a public boolean field called ignoreFrustumCheck.  This should be set to true for those entities that have models that extend significantly beyond the bounding box of the entity.

Draw The Texture Of An Item

See my modding tips for Items.

A Useful Utility Function For Debugging GL11

G11 works on a stack and so you can easily lose track of the applied methods if you forget to pop the stack, letting previous setting "bleed" into later code and causing unexpected effects.  Therefore it can be useful to report all GL11 settings in effect at a given point in time.

Here is a utility written by TheGreyGhost and previously posted on github (although link now shows file not found).  Since he offered it before, I hope he doesn't mind if I post it here.  The idea is simple, but credit to him for taking the time to type it all out.

Tip: You can add this class to your mod and call the dumpAllIsEnabled() method at points in your code where you're debugging GL11.

 * User: The Grey Ghost
 * Date: 9/02/14
public class UtilityGL11Debug
  public class GLproperty
    public GLproperty(int init_gLconstant, String init_name, String init_description, String init_category, String init_fetchCommand) {
      gLconstant = init_gLconstant;
      name = init_name;
      description = init_description;
      category = init_category;
      fetchCommand = init_fetchCommand;

    public int gLconstant;
    public String name;
    public String description;
    public String category;
    public String fetchCommand;

  public static UtilityGL11Debug instance = new UtilityGL11Debug();

  public GLproperty[] propertyList = 
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_COLOR, "GL_CURRENT_COLOR", "Current color", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_INDEX, "GL_CURRENT_INDEX", "Current color index", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS, "GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS", "Current texture coordinates", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_NORMAL, "GL_CURRENT_NORMAL", "Current normal", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION, "GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION", "Current raster position", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE, "GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE", "Current raster distance", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR, "GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR", "Color associated with raster position", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX, "GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX", "Color index associated with raster position", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS, "GL_CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS", "Texture coordinates associated with raster position", "current", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID, "GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID", "Raster position valid bit", "current", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_EDGE_FLAG, "GL_EDGE_FLAG", "Edge flag", "current", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY", "Vertex array enable", "vertex-array", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE, "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE", "Coordinates per vertex", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE, "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE", "Type of vertex coordinates", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE, "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE", "Stride between vertices", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER, "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER", "Pointer to the vertex array", "vertex-array", "glGetPointerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY, "GL_NORMAL_ARRAY", "Normal array enable", "vertex-array", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE, "GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE", "Type of normal coordinates", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE, "GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE", "Stride between normals", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER, "GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER", "Pointer to the normal array", "vertex-array", "glGetPointerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_ARRAY, "GL_COLOR_ARRAY", "RGBA color array enable", "vertex-array", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE, "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE", "Colors per vertex", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE, "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE", "Type of color components", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE, "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE", "Stride between colors", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER, "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER", "Pointer to the color array", "vertex-array", "glGetPointerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_ARRAY, "GL_INDEX_ARRAY", "Color-index array enable", "vertex-array", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE, "GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE", "Type of color indices", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE, "GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE", "Stride between color indices", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER, "GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER", "Pointer to the index array", "vertex-array", "glGetPointerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, "GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY", "Texture coordinate array enable", "vertex-array", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE, "GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE", "Texture coordinates per element", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE, "GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE", "Type of texture coordinates", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE, "GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE", "Stride between texture coordinates", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER, "GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER", "Pointer to the texture coordinate array", "vertex-array", "glGetPointerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY, "GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY", "Edge flag array enable", "vertex-array", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE, "GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE", "Stride between edge flags", "vertex-array", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER, "GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER", "Pointer to the edge flag array", "vertex-array", "glGetPointerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, "GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX", "Modelview matrix stack", "matrix", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, "GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX", "Projection matrix stack", "matrix", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX, "GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX", "Texture matrix stack", "matrix", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_VIEWPORT, "GL_VIEWPORT", "Viewport origin and extent", "viewport", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DEPTH_RANGE, "GL_DEPTH_RANGE", "Depth range near and far", "viewport", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH", "Modelview matrix stack pointer", "matrix", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH", "Projection matrix stack pointer", "matrix", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH", "Texture matrix stack pointer", "matrix", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MATRIX_MODE, "GL_MATRIX_MODE", "Current matrix mode", "transform", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_NORMALIZE, "GL_NORMALIZE", "Current normal normalization on/off", "transform/ enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FOG_COLOR, "GL_FOG_COLOR", "Fog color", "fog", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FOG_INDEX, "GL_FOG_INDEX", "Fog index", "fog", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FOG_DENSITY, "GL_FOG_DENSITY", "Exponential fog density", "fog", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FOG_START, "GL_FOG_START", "Linear fog start", "fog", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FOG_END, "GL_FOG_END", "Linear fog end", "fog", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FOG_MODE, "GL_FOG_MODE", "Fog mode", "fog", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FOG, "GL_FOG", "True if fog enabled", "fog/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SHADE_MODEL, "GL_SHADE_MODEL", "glShadeModel() setting", "lighting", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHTING, "GL_LIGHTING", "True if lighting is enabled", "lighting/e nable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL, "GL_COLOR_MATERIAL", "True if color tracking is enabled", "lighting", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_PARAMETER, "GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_PARAMETER", "Material properties tracking current color", "lighting", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE, "GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE", "Face(s) affected by color tracking", "lighting", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_AMBIENT, "GL_AMBIENT", "Ambient material color", "lighting", "glGetMaterialfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DIFFUSE, "GL_DIFFUSE", "Diffuse material color", "lighting", "glGetMaterialfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SPECULAR, "GL_SPECULAR", "Specular material color", "lighting", "glGetMaterialfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_EMISSION, "GL_EMISSION", "Emissive material color", "lighting", "glGetMaterialfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SHININESS, "GL_SHININESS", "Specular exponent of material", "lighting", "glGetMaterialfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, "GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT", "Ambient scene color", "lighting", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER, "GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER", "Viewer is local", "lighting", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, "GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE", "Use two-sided lighting", "lighting", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_AMBIENT, "GL_AMBIENT", "Ambient intensity of light i", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DIFFUSE, "GL_DIFFUSE", "Diffuse intensity of light i", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SPECULAR, "GL_SPECULAR", "Specular intensity of light i", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POSITION, "GL_POSITION", "Position of light i", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, "GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION", "Constant attenuation factor", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, "GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION", "Linear attenuation factor", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, "GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION", "Quadratic attenuation factor", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, "GL_SPOT_DIRECTION", "Spotlight direction of light i", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, "GL_SPOT_EXPONENT", "Spotlight exponent of light i", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, "GL_SPOT_CUTOFF", "Spotlight angle of light i", "lighting", "glGetLightfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT0, "GL_LIGHT0", "True if light 0 enabled", "lighting/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT1, "GL_LIGHT1", "True if light 1 enabled", "lighting/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT2, "GL_LIGHT2", "True if light 2 enabled", "lighting/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT3, "GL_LIGHT3", "True if light 3 enabled", "lighting/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT4, "GL_LIGHT4", "True if light 4 enabled", "lighting/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT5, "GL_LIGHT5", "True if light 5 enabled", "lighting/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT6, "GL_LIGHT6", "True if light 6 enabled", "lighting/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIGHT7, "GL_LIGHT7", "True if light 7 enabled", "lighting/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_INDEXES, "GL_COLOR_INDEXES", "ca, cd, and cs for color-index lighting", "lighting/e nable", "glGetMaterialfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POINT_SIZE, "GL_POINT_SIZE", "Point size", "point", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POINT_SMOOTH, "GL_POINT_SMOOTH", "Point antialiasing on", "point/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINE_WIDTH, "GL_LINE_WIDTH", "Line width", "line", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH, "GL_LINE_SMOOTH", "Line antialiasing on", "line/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN, "GL_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN", "Line stipple", "line", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT, "GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT", "Line stipple repeat", "line", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINE_STIPPLE, "GL_LINE_STIPPLE", "Line stipple enable", "line/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE, "GL_CULL_FACE", "Polygon culling enabled", "polygon/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE_MODE, "GL_CULL_FACE_MODE", "Cull front-/back-facing polygons", "polygon", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FRONT_FACE, "GL_FRONT_FACE", "Polygon front-face CW/CCW indicator", "polygon", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH, "GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH", "Polygon antialiasing on", "polygon/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POLYGON_MODE, "GL_POLYGON_MODE", "Polygon rasterization mode (front and back)", "polygon", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR, "GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR", "Polygon offset factor", "polygon", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT, "GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT", "Polygon offset enable for GL_POINT mode rasterization", "polygon/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE, "GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE", "Polygon offset enable for GL_LINE mode rasterization", "polygon/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL, "GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL", "Polygon offset enable for GL_FILL mode rasterization", "polygon/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE, "GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE", "Polygon stipple enable", "polygon/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_1D, "GL_TEXTURE_1D", "True if 1-D texturing enabled ", "texture/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, "GL_TEXTURE_2D", "True if 2-D texturing enabled ", "texture/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D, "GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D", "Texture object bound to GL_TEXTURE_1D", "texture", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, "GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D", "Texture object bound to GL_TEXTURE_2D", "texture", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE, "GL_TEXTURE", "x-D texture image at level of detail i", "UNUSED", "glGetTexImage()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, "GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH", "x-D texture image i's width", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, "GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT", "x-D texture image i's height", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_BORDER, "GL_TEXTURE_BORDER", "x-D texture image i's border width", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE, "GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE", "x-D texture image i's red resolution", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE, "GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE", "x-D texture image i's green resolution", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE, "GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE", "x-D texture image i's blue resolution", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE, "GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE", "x-D texture image i's alpha resolution", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE, "GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE", "x-D texture image i's luminance resolution", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE, "GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE", "x-D texture image i's intensity resolution", "UNUSED", "glGetTexLevelParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, "GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR", "Texture border color", "texture", "glGetTexParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, "GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", "Texture minification function", "texture", "glGetTexParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, "GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "Texture magnification function", "texture", "glGetTexParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, "GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S", "Texture wrap mode (x is S or T)", "texture", "glGetTexParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, "GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T", "Texture wrap mode (x is S or T)", "texture", "glGetTexParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY, "GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY", "Texture object priority", "texture", "glGetTexParameter*()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, "GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE", "Texture application function", "texture", "glGetTexEnviv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, "GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR", "Texture environment color", "texture", "glGetTexEnvfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S, "GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S", "Texgen enabled (x is S, T, R, or Q)", "texture/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T, "GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T", "Texgen enabled (x is S, T, R, or Q)", "texture/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R, "GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R", "Texgen enabled (x is S, T, R, or Q)", "texture/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q, "GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q", "Texgen enabled (x is S, T, R, or Q)", "texture/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_EYE_PLANE, "GL_EYE_PLANE", "Texgen plane equation coefficients", "texture", "glGetTexGenfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_OBJECT_PLANE, "GL_OBJECT_PLANE", "Texgen object linear coefficients", "texture", "glGetTexGenfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, "GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE", "Function used for texgen", "texture", "glGetTexGeniv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SCISSOR_TEST, "GL_SCISSOR_TEST", "Scissoring enabled", "scissor/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SCISSOR_BOX, "GL_SCISSOR_BOX", "Scissor box", "scissor", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST, "GL_ALPHA_TEST", "Alpha test enabled", "color-buffer/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC, "GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC", "Alpha test function", "color-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF, "GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF", "Alpha test reference value", "color-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_TEST, "GL_STENCIL_TEST", "Stenciling enabled", "stencil-buffer/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_FUNC, "GL_STENCIL_FUNC", "Stencil function", "stencil-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK, "GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK", "Stencil mask", "stencil-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_REF, "GL_STENCIL_REF", "Stencil reference value", "stencil-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_FAIL, "GL_STENCIL_FAIL", "Stencil fail action", "stencil-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL, "GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL", "Stencil depth buffer fail action", "stencil-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS, "GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS", "Stencil depth buffer pass action", "stencil-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST, "GL_DEPTH_TEST", "Depth buffer enabled", "depth-buffer/ena ble", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DEPTH_FUNC, "GL_DEPTH_FUNC", "Depth buffer test function", "depth-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_BLEND, "GL_BLEND", "Blending enabled", "color-buffer/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_BLEND_SRC, "GL_BLEND_SRC", "Blending source function", "color-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_BLEND_DST, "GL_BLEND_DST", "Blending destination function", "color-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DITHER, "GL_DITHER", "Dithering enabled", "color-buffer/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP, "GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP", "Color index logical operation enabled", "color-buffer/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP, "GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP", "RGBA color logical operation enabled", "color-buffer/enable", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE, "GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE", "Logical operation function", "color-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DRAW_BUFFER, "GL_DRAW_BUFFER", "Buffers selected for drawing", "color-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK, "GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK", "Color-index writemask", "color-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK, "GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK", "Color write enables; R, G, B, or A", "color-buffer", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK, "GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK", "Depth buffer enabled for writing", "depth-buffer", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK, "GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK", "Stencil-buffer writemask", "stencil-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, "GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE", "Color-buffer clear value (RGBA mode)", "color-buffer", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE, "GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE", "Color-buffer clear value (color-index mode)", "color-buffer", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE, "GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE", "Depth-buffer clear value", "depth-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE, "GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE", "Stencil-buffer clear value", "stencil-buffer", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE, "GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE", "Accumulation-buffer clear value", "accum-buffer", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, "GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES", "Value of GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES", "pixel-store", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, "GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST", "Value of GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST", "pixel-store", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, "GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH", "Value of GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH", "pixel-store", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, "GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS", "Value of GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS", "pixel-store", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, "GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS", "Value of GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS", "pixel-store", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, "GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT", "Value of GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT", "pixel-store", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, "GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES", "Value of GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES", "pixel-store", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST, "GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST", "Value of GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST", "pixel-store", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, "GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH", "Value of GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH", "pixel-store", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS, "GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS", "Value of GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS", "pixel-store", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS, "GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS", "Value of GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS", "pixel-store", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, "GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT", "Value of GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT", "pixel-store", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAP_COLOR, "GL_MAP_COLOR", "True if colors are mapped", "pixel", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAP_STENCIL, "GL_MAP_STENCIL", "True if stencil values are mapped", "pixel", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_SHIFT, "GL_INDEX_SHIFT", "Value of GL_INDEX_SHIFT", "pixel", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_OFFSET, "GL_INDEX_OFFSET", "Value of GL_INDEX_OFFSET", "pixel", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ZOOM_X, "GL_ZOOM_X", "x zoom factor", "pixel", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ZOOM_Y, "GL_ZOOM_Y", "y zoom factor", "pixel", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_READ_BUFFER, "GL_READ_BUFFER", "Read source buffer", "pixel", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ORDER, "GL_ORDER", "1D map order", "capability", "glGetMapiv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ORDER, "GL_ORDER", "2D map orders", "capability", "glGetMapiv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COEFF, "GL_COEFF", "1D control points", "capability", "glGetMapfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_COEFF, "GL_COEFF", "2D control points", "capability", "glGetMapfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DOMAIN, "GL_DOMAIN", "1D domain endpoints", "capability", "glGetMapfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DOMAIN, "GL_DOMAIN", "2D domain endpoints", "capability", "glGetMapfv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN, "GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN", "1D grid endpoints", "eval", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN, "GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN", "2D grid endpoints", "eval", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS, "GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS", "1D grid divisions", "eval", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS, "GL_MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS", "2D grid divisions", "eval", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_AUTO_NORMAL, "GL_AUTO_NORMAL", "True if automatic normal generation enabled", "eval", "glIsEnabled()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, "GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT", "Perspective correction hint", "hint", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, "GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT", "Point smooth hint", "hint", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, "GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT", "Line smooth hint", "hint", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, "GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT", "Polygon smooth hint", "hint", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FOG_HINT, "GL_FOG_HINT", "Fog hint", "hint", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_LIGHTS, "GL_MAX_LIGHTS", "Maximum number of lights", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES, "GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES", "Maximum number of user clipping planes", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH", "Maximum modelview-matrix stack depth", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH", "Maximum projection-matrix stack depth", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH", "Maximum depth of texture matrix stack", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS, "GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS", "Number of bits of subpixel precision in x and y", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE", "See discussion in Texture Proxy in Chapter 9", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE, "GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE", "Maximum size of a glPixelMap() translation table", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH", "Maximum selection-name stack depth", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING, "GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING", "Maximum display-list call nesting", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER, "GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER", "Maximum evaluator polynomial order", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS, "GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS", "Maximum viewport dimensions", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH", "Maximum depth of the attribute stack", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_MAX_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_MAX_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH", "Maximum depth of the client attribute stack", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_AUX_BUFFERS, "GL_AUX_BUFFERS", "Number of auxiliary buffers", "capability", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_RGBA_MODE, "GL_RGBA_MODE", "True if color buffers store RGBA", "capability", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_MODE, "GL_INDEX_MODE", "True if color buffers store indices", "capability", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, "GL_DOUBLEBUFFER", "True if front and back buffers exist", "capability", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STEREO, "GL_STEREO", "True if left and right buffers exist", "capability", "glGetBooleanv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, "GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE", "Range (low to high) of antialiased point sizes", "capability", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY, "GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY", "Antialiased point-size granularity", "capability", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE, "GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE", "Range (low to high) of antialiased line widths", "capability", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY, "GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY", "Antialiased line-width granularity", "capability", "glGetFloatv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_RED_BITS, "GL_RED_BITS", "Number of bits per red component in color buffers", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_GREEN_BITS, "GL_GREEN_BITS", "Number of bits per green component in color buffers", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_BLUE_BITS, "GL_BLUE_BITS", "Number of bits per blue component in color buffers", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ALPHA_BITS, "GL_ALPHA_BITS", "Number of bits per alpha component in color buffers", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_INDEX_BITS, "GL_INDEX_BITS", "Number of bits per index in color buffers", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_DEPTH_BITS, "GL_DEPTH_BITS", "Number of depth-buffer bitplanes", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_STENCIL_BITS, "GL_STENCIL_BITS", "Number of stencil bitplanes", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS, "GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS", "Number of bits per red component in the accumulation buffer", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS, "GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS", "Number of bits per green component in the accumulation buffer", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS, "GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS", "Number of bits per blue component in the accumulation buffer", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS, "GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS", "Number of bits per alpha component in the accumulation buffer", "capability", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIST_BASE, "GL_LIST_BASE", "Setting of glListBase()", "list", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIST_INDEX, "GL_LIST_INDEX", "Number of display list under construction; 0 if none", "current", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_LIST_MODE, "GL_LIST_MODE", "Mode of display list under construction; undefined if none", "current", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH", "Attribute stack pointer", "current", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH", "Client attribute stack pointer", "current", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH, "GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH", "Name stack depth", "current", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_RENDER_MODE, "GL_RENDER_MODE", "glRenderMode() setting", "current", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_POINTER, "GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_POINTER", "Pointer to selection buffer", "select", "glGetPointerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_SIZE, "GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_SIZE", "Size of selection buffer", "select", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_POINTER, "GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_POINTER", "Pointer to feedback buffer", "feedback", "glGetPointerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE, "GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE", "Size of feedback buffer", "feedback", "glGetIntegerv()"),
      new GLproperty(GL11.GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE, "GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE", "Type of feedback buffer", "feedback", "glGetIntegerv()"),

  public static void dumpOpenGLstate()

  public static void dumpAllIsEnabled()
    for (int i = 0; i < instance.propertyList.length; ++i) 
      if (instance.propertyList[i].fetchCommand == "glIsEnabled()") 
        System.out.print(instance.propertyList[i].name + ":");
        System.out.println(" (" + instance.propertyList[i].description + ")");

  public static void dumpAllType(String type) 
    for (int i = 0; i < instance.propertyList.length; ++i) 
      if (instance.propertyList[i].category.equals(type)) 
        System.out.print(instance.propertyList[i].name + ":");
        System.out.println(" (" + instance.propertyList[i].description + ")");

  private static String getPropertyAsString(int propertyListIndex)
    int gLconstant = instance.propertyList[propertyListIndex].gLconstant;
    if (instance.propertyList[propertyListIndex].fetchCommand.equals("glIsEnabled()"))     {
      return "" + GL11.glIsEnabled(gLconstant);

    if (instance.propertyList[propertyListIndex].fetchCommand == "glGetBooleanv()") 
      ByteBuffer params = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(16);

      GL11.glGetBoolean(gLconstant, params);
      String out = "";
      for (int i = 0; i < params.capacity(); ++i) 
        out += (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") + params.get(i);
      return out;

    return "";

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